Spagyric Medicine FAQ
Will Spagyric Medicine interfere with my Doctor's prescription?
These medicines will not interfere with prescriptions obtained from your Doctor and they will work harmoniously with any other complementary treatments. It is recommended that the patient leaves 20 minutes between taking difference medications.

What sort of reactions should I expect?
Some people may experience a therapeutic 'aggravation' within 72 hours of taking the medicine. This may be in the form of an eliminative discharge, ie, increased urination; a skin reaction (externalisation of toxins), or a 'return of old symptoms' (with the most recent symptoms appearing first).
Whilst the above 'therapeutic aggravation' can signal that the medication is well indicated, sometimes a strong reaction, or consistent aggravation, such as pain can indicate a more complex health problem. In this case, it is advised that you seek the help of a medical doctor, and take Spagyric medicine as a complementary adjunct.
Can I drink tea/coffee/alcohol? Is it necessary to avoid mint?
These beverages cause no known adverse reactions but moderate consumption is recommended. Mint may be consumed but not simultaneously with the Spagyric drops.
How should I store the medicine?
No refrigeration is required, as the drops are dispensed in containers that protect them from light exposure. A small deposit may appear after several months, and while this does not alter the medicinal quality, it is recommended that the bottle be shaken before use.
What are the differences between Spagyric medicine and herbal medicine or homeopathy?
Spagyric essences are made from plants, in a similar way to herbal medicines and many homeopathic remedies. In the case of Spagyric essences, a complex process is applied:it enables developing the whole healing potential of the plant and neutralising any toxic active components. This renders them safe to use, having no known side effects. Traditional medicine systems such as herbal medicine are safe to use when under the supervision of a professional, but some plants may contain toxic active components, causing discomfort or exacerbation of symptoms ('aggravation') in some patients. As many patients have sensitivities/intolerances, this situation is best avoided. There are no known reports of allergies with Spagyric essences treatments.

Spagyric essences also contain much less alcohol than eg. a homeopathic mother tincture or herbal tincture. Furthermore the alcohol is produced by the plant during the process and thus carries an energetic message. Both Spagyric and homeopathic remedies transmit a vibrational energy, and are classed as Phytotherapeutic Energetic Medicines. Homeopathic remedies are diluted ad succussed to make various potencies, with the higher potencies being given to ease emotional/mind symptoms, whereas in Spagyric medicine, lower dosages are used for these symptoms. You do not have to be ill to benefit from Spagyrics, you can use these remedies for prophylaxis or a personal development approach.
As can be seen, Spagyric essences are affiliated to both herbal medicine and homeopathy, in that Spagyric Essences are made from plants but the action if via the transmitting of an energetic/vibrational energy, similar to homeopathy.
How long should I stay on a particular dose before changing it?
The patient will receive an individual prescription based on their presenting symptoms. A 'follow-up' appointment should be booked, ie every two months, or as the symptoms necessitate. Spagyric treatment may facilitate a beneficial outcome within a short period of time, for a simple case, or it may take several months of treatment if the patient has a more complex chronic illness. Regardless of the case, it is strongly recommended that the patient take the drops as directed. When the symptoms have improved, it is usual to reduce the dosage gradually rather than discontinue the drops suddenly.